Weekly Market Insights Sears Wealth Management Weekly Market Insights Sears Wealth Management

Weekly Market Commentary: Dec. 11-17

In typical Dr. Jekyll-Mr. Hyde fashion, Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell first gave markets hope that after the Fed raised rates at its final meeting of 2022, they might pause to watch what a 4.25% Fed Funds rate would do to inflation and the economy. Predictably, markets soared on the possibility of a pause on rate increases. Then — just as suddenly — he stepped up to the microphone following last week’s meeting and said the Fed still isn’t done.

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Weekly Market Insights Sears Wealth Management Weekly Market Insights Sears Wealth Management

Weekly Market Commentary: Nov. 27 – Dec. 3

Everyone seems to believe we are on the brink of a recession, and the debate is about when it will start, how long it will last, and how severe it will be. Anyone who works in any sort of forecasting knows these three pieces of information are vital to formulating a forecast, and right now, we don’t have answers to any of these questions.

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