Securely Upload and Share Your Files

Drag and drop your files for quick and secure upload. We use industry-standard encryption to protect your documents during transfer and storage.

We'll receive a notification of your uploaded files and review them within 3 business days. For urgent documents, call us at (909) 330-0074.

The Citrix Share File Portal provides a fast, secure solution for sharing and exchanging electronic documents. It also allows a reduction in environmental waste by corresponding electronically instead of handling paper. Unlike email and email attachments, documents accessed through the Citrix Share File portal are protected by encryption technology so that you will have confidence that the information is secure when transferred back and forth.

All communications between Citrix Share File Portal and the user are encrypted using either Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) or Transport Layer Security (TLS) encryption protocols and up to AES 256-bit encryption. This is the same functionality used by banks and popular e-commerce services for secure communication. Share File also encrypts stored files when they are at rest on Citrix’s servers for an additional layer of security.