Unexpected Retirement Expenses I Wish I’d Planned For

The article highlights:

According to a recent survey, many Americans expect to retire at 60 and live to age 100, giving them a 40-year retirement. But only 36 percent were confident in their ability to have the retirement savings to survive until they pass away.

There are unexpected expenses that could come your way as a retiree.

  • Child Care Expenses – if you become the childcare provider for your grandchildren, rather than traveling you might be paying for lunches, and museum or amusement park admission. It might be something you’re looking forward to, or it might be something you didn’t really account for in your budget.

  • Financial Advice Fees – many people do a good job saving, but they might not have accounted for the need for a financial advisor.


5 Surprise Retirement Expenses


Weekly Market Commentary: June 9-15, 2024