Nurses – You Can Enjoy Your Journey Toward Retirement!

In your complimentary session with Michael Sears, you’ll learn:

  • Ways to develop confidence in the financial decisions you’re making today

  • Learn ways a financial advisor can help you plan your retirement and the time in between

  • The pitfalls many nurses may face when considering retirement planning

  • Strategies designed to help you experience the kind of financial freedom you’ve always wanted

A Man On a Mission…To Help Nurses Achieve Financial Security

At the age of 15, Michael’s whole life changed when he lost his father tragically. Suddenly, he saw his mother put into the position of having to become the full-time bread winner in the household. While she ultimately made a wonderful life for her family, the stress and the struggle of providing for them weighed on her heavily.

Looking back, Michael often wondered what his mom’s life might have been like if she and his dad had the foresight to plan for the unexpected events of life.

The joys in life really are made up of small special moments. When you are going through them, you may think they aren’t all that important until someone comes to you, perhaps many years later, and shares with you that one of their happiest memories came when you paid them an unexpected visit or sent them a note of encouragement. Michael knows that nurses spend their lives caring for others, often overlooking the things they need to do in order to secure their future when they retire.

If anyone deserves to enjoy a stress-free retirement, it’s the nurses who have stood at the front lines caring for others, and Michael Sears has made it his mission to show working nurses how to plan ahead and feel confident, comfortable and help them feel in control of their financial future.