Investment Consolidation Strategies

As we near retirement, it’s usually a good idea to begin consolidating accounts. This is because it can often be easier to manage fewer accounts as we grow older. It also can help our loved ones or a hired financial professional step in to find and manage money on our behalf.

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FinancialTip Sears Wealth Management FinancialTip Sears Wealth Management


“Family” is an expansive and complex term. From partners to children to aging parents and other relatives, there is no one route to successful family money management. It takes discipline and flexibility to navigate ever-changing financial needs.

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FinancialTip Sears Wealth Management FinancialTip Sears Wealth Management

Work Smarter, Not Harder

Many Americans think they will reach their financial goals if they just work harder and longer. They mistakenly believe that adding to their bottom line always requires more effort, energy, and time.

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