Survival of the Fittest
The benefits of lifelong planning and saving are the purposeful equivalent to Charles Darwin’s theory of the survival of the fittest.3 In other words, if you entered retirement with reliable sources of income, a portion of your investment portfolio allocated for growth and appropriate safety nets, your likelihood of surviving a crisis — be it a stock market crash, a global pandemic or extreme weather events (all of which occurred in 2020) — could potentially increase. With that in mind, if you’d like to shore up your financial portfolio for the future, please give us a call.
Investment Consolidation Strategies
As we near retirement, it’s usually a good idea to begin consolidating accounts. This is because it can often be easier to manage fewer accounts as we grow older. It also can help our loved ones or a hired financial professional step in to find and manage money on our behalf.
Gen X Prepares to Ascend the Throne
A new study of Generation X women found that more than half (54%) of those with partners earn as much as or more than their spouse. In fact, nearly a third of Millennial and Gen X women report that they are the primary breadwinners of their household. With earnings and financial planning top of mind, about 77% of Gen X women say they are making sure their children learn about managing finances.3
Social Security Proposals and Strategies
As the Social Security Trust Fund approaches its expiration date, many existing entities are offering helpful suggestions for funding alternatives. For example, the Association of Mature American Citizens (AMAC) recommends a combination of changing how cost of living adjustments are made, delaying retirement age and updating the delayed credit strategy.