Social Security Proposals and Strategies

As the Social Security Trust Fund approaches its expiration date, many existing entities are offering helpful suggestions for funding alternatives. For example, the Association of Mature American Citizens (AMAC) recommends a combination of changing how cost of living adjustments are made, delaying retirement age and updating the delayed credit strategy.

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Sears Wealth Management Sears Wealth Management

The Power of the Federal Reserve

It’s not unusual to hear the Federal Reserve being bashed or praised — sometimes both in the same day. That’s because its ability to stimulate or stifle the economy is powerful but not always popular. Learn why.

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Sears Wealth Management Sears Wealth Management

Are the Stock Market and the Economy Out of Sync?

In normal times, the stock market is often a reflection of the economy. But these are not normal times. Even though April was marked by a global shutdown of businesses, rampant unemployment and low economic growth, the S&P 500 Index ended the month up 12.9%. This represented the highest one-month gain since 1987 and posted the fastest recovery of the fastest bear-market decline in 90 years.

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FinancialTip Sears Wealth Management FinancialTip Sears Wealth Management

Weekly Market Commentary

I would love to report that this virus has galvanized our government and elected officials in a common cause – but that’s just not been the case. The Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) – which included $349 billion carved out of the $2.2 trillion relief package – ran out of money.

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FinancialTip Sears Wealth Management FinancialTip Sears Wealth Management

A Historic First Quarter

Markets finally started paying attention on Jan. 23, when China announced it was locking down Wuhan, the initial epicenter of the virus. In response, the U.S. banned travel from Wuhan and later all of China.

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FinancialTip Sears Wealth Management FinancialTip Sears Wealth Management

Weekly Market Commentary

The logic is that deaths are perceived as rearward-looking; people who have had the disease are passing, so the markets discount those higher numbers. Rates of new infections, a forward-looking measure, are dropping, and fewer infections today mean fewer future deaths. Markets liked the more optimistic scenario.

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FinancialTip Sears Wealth Management FinancialTip Sears Wealth Management

Weekly Market Commentary

This week is stacking up as a pivotal one for the virus in our country. It truly seems like this week will be the hardest to take given the dark news coverage, and it will be difficult for people to stay calm and focused

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FinancialTip Sears Wealth Management FinancialTip Sears Wealth Management

Global Economic Impact of Coronavirus

We are currently experiencing the fallout of the spread of the COVID‑19 coronavirus worldwide, including here in the United States. It’s a perfect example of an unanticipated disruption that can wreak volatility in the stock market.

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