Sears Wealth Management Sears Wealth Management

Social Security’s 2025 COLA Forecast Just Improved

October is always a big month for seniors on Social Security. The reason? It's the month when the Social Security Administration announces what cost-of-living adjustment, or COLA, recipients will be privy to in the coming year.

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Social Security Proposals and Strategies

As the Social Security Trust Fund approaches its expiration date, many existing entities are offering helpful suggestions for funding alternatives. For example, the Association of Mature American Citizens (AMAC) recommends a combination of changing how cost of living adjustments are made, delaying retirement age and updating the delayed credit strategy.

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Sears Wealth Management Sears Wealth Management

Retirement Planning in the New Year

Every day between now and 2030, 10,000 baby boomers are expected to turn age 65. If that includes you, you have less than 10 years to map out your retirement plan. Let’s get started!

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FinancialTip Sears Wealth Management FinancialTip Sears Wealth Management

What Is Your Retirement Dream?

According to a 2019 study, only 23% of American workers are very confident that they have enough money for a comfortable retirement. As a result, more of us will work longer, with two out of three pre-retirees saying that work will be one sources of their retirement income.

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